Saturday, April 11
11 a.m. Expert Beauty Panel – Kick off your weekend learning beauty tips from a panel of beauty insiders from every part of the industry. Hosts
Steve Kemble and Holly Quartaro will share questions with panelists including lifestyle expert
Jackson of Fluent, DFW Style Daily founder Lisa Petty, spokesmodel and television personality
LeeAnn Locken, lifestyle expert and founder of Sanctuary of Style Tiffany Hendra, D Magazine’s Shop Talk Editor
Alison Finney, TONI&GUY National Technical Creative Director Samantha Finley, and Clinique’s
Lisa Boness. 
12 p.m. TONI&GUY – It’s all about those lovely locks as
Cole More and Gwan Chow and the team from TONI&GUY show how to go from drab to fab with tips for cut, color and style.
1 p.m. COOPER CLINIC – True beauty starts from the inside, and that starts with a lifestyle which focuses on wellness. Cooper clinic founder
Dr. Kenneth Cooper and nutrition expert Meridan Zerner will share the latest information on health, wellness, and becoming the most beautiful person you can be.
2 p.m. BELK – Belk Beauty Director Shannon Perrin will show guests how to experience
Glamsformation. She’ll be joined by top experts from T3, Clinique, Estee Lauder and more.
3 p.m. D MAGAZINE’S MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMEN OF DALLAS – You’ve seen them as they’ve graced the pages of magazines and social photos, but
Alison Finney and Holly Quartaro will introduce you to several of D Magazine’s Most Beautiful Women of Dallas, including
Maggie Parks, Tifany Cheatham, Holly Davis, and Bina Palnitkar, as they share their tips, tricks and favorite products.
4 p.m. NORDSTROM – If the eyes are the window to the soul, your eyebrows are important window dressing.
Lashonda Hawthorne of Anastasia Beverly Hills will show how to maximize your eyes with brow shaping, color and contouring.
5 p.m. LUSH – With beauty, Fresh Matters,
and LUSH invites guests to celebrate natural beauty with natural
handmade products. Guests will learn how to mix, blend and use beauty
products of their own.
Sunday, April 12
2 p.m. SEPHORA
-- Go beyond basic with beauty trends and color tips from top Sephora
makeup artists. Guests will enjoy hands-on demonstrations, great
giveaways and more.
3 p.m. THE SECOND FLOOR BY SCOTT GOTTLICH – Learn stress-free tips and techniques for healthy eating to easily incorporate wellness into daily life. Westin Galleria Dallas’ Executive Chef Andrea Maricich demonstrates healthy treats, and Second Floor Bistro-Bar mixologist Seth Brammer will concoct light, refreshing beverages using seasonal juices.
The $20 ticket price for each session includes a gift bag and a $20 gift card. Plus, you'll get to participate in a Q&A session with the experts and chances to win amazing audience prizes. Last year I won a Clarisonic! Plus, there's going to be a #GalBeautyContest on Instagram for the chance to win a $300 prize. So what are you waiting for? Grab your girlfriends and get your tickets to Beauty Live 2015!
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