SMU Fashion Week is the style event of the season. March 26-30, get the inside scoop straight from some of the Dallas fashion industry's top professionals... all on SMU's campus! The finale event is a fashion show by the SMU Retail Club with clothes provided by Stanley Korshak. And of course, I'll be updating you with all the fabulous happenings and interviews with some of the featured speakers during the week of SMU Fashion Week. I can't wait!
Schedule of Events
Monday, March 26 -- Launch Party at Tootsies Store6:30-8:30 p.m.

Tuesday, March 27 -- Fashion Journalism & Blogging Panel
Amber Venz --
Tracy Achor Hayes -- Creative Director of Neiman Marucs Book
Kristie Ramirez -- Texas Monthly Style Editory
Tina Craig --
Merritt Beck -- The Style Scribe
6:30 p.m.
O'Donnell Hall in Meadows OFAC
Wednesday, March 28 -- Business in Fashion Panel
Amanda Sterett -- Jewelry Designer
Joanna Lewis -- Director of Stanley Korshak Online
John Piermarini -- Piermarini Boutique
6:00 p.m.
Crow 175
Thursday, March 29 -- Styling Panel
Tammy Theis -- Stylist and Owner of Wallflower Management
Tamar Minassian -- Tootsies Stylist
Nikki Trizza -- Assistant Stylist at Neiman Marcus Direct
6:00 p.m.
Umphrey Lee Room 241
Friday, March 30 -- Retail Club Fashion Show
Clothing provided by Stanley Korshak
5:00 p.m.
I go to SMU. SMU Fashion Week is going to be great!